Saturday, March 28, 2015

The First Sign of Spring

Today it has been snowing. It snow-rained, drizzled and snizzled and now it’s snow again. The meteorologists say we could get maybe three inches overnight. I did, however, see the first sign of spring a few days ago. I went back into my woods looking for daffodil shoots. There was still too much snow for me to find anything, but I did come back with the very first sign of the turning season. I thought I felt something on my neck and there it was: a tick. First sign of spring or American horror story?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sad Haiku

World Poetry Day
Free coffee for words they said
But not for me here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Land Persephone Forgot

I recently saw a painting of Persephone, the Goddess of Springtime. She was awakening under the soil, stretching up to break through the earth with flowers and leaves. It was supposed to be reassuring: see! Spring is almost here. Well, Persephone apparently hit the snooze button.  There is so much snow here that if we get more no one knows where to put it.  Classes at my university have been repeatedly canceled or delayed for bad weather. The rotator cuff tears in my shoulder are not getting any better with all the shoveling. People walk around grumbling.

And then yesterday I saw it. I was sitting on the couch, looking absently out through my glass door. Outside the door is barren whiteness of seemingly endless snow. My garden fence is buried under drifts. The bare branches of the lilac trees stretch upward against a grey sky.  Sitting on one of the branches was a male cardinal. 

He was bright red, brilliant against the stark landscape. The cardinal began to sing. Was he calling his mate? Was he the first sign of Spring?  I know cardinals don’t migrate but I wanted to believe that this beautiful visitor meant a change in the weather.  I wanted a picture of him. So I grabbed for my camera. By the time I got to the door, he was gone, of course.

I saw him later, flying above the snow. And today was the first above freezing day since I don’t know when. Slush! Melting snow! Woo hoo! I checked the weather forecast, hoping for more. We are under a winter storm warning. Persephone went back to bed.